Vita Colon Relief Smooth Melt pills are delicious, chewable pills that don't require water. The intestinally beneficial bacteria Lactobacillus Acidophilus and Bifidus, which are present in Vita Colon Relief Smooth Melt Tablets, improve the intestinal wall barrier, prevent the growth of harmful bacteria, aid in the production of vitamin B, and facilitate food digestion.
Vitamin Colon Relief Tablets' primary components are Sunfiber Prebiotic Probiotic (L. Acidophilus and L. Bifidus). Lactic acid, which is produced by Lactobacillus Acidophilus and Lactobacillus Bifidus, produces an acidic medium in the upper gastrointestinal tract that is ideal for beneficial bacteria. Bloating and gas are possible side effects of Vita Colon Relief.