The following conditions can be treated with mouth and throat spray to reduce discomfort and inflammation: Dental conditions, such as gingivitis, tonsillitis and pharyngitis, sore throat, pre- and post-dental surgery, and dyspeptic ulcers, conditions that cause inflammation in the mouth and throat, minor throat and mouth infections, B. B. C. is also used as a regular antiseptic and mouthwash. mouth and throat analgesic, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, and local anesthetic. has several uses as a local anesthetic, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and analgesic. In the following situations, mouth and throat spray is used to reduce pain and inflammation: Dental conditions, such as gingivitis Prior to and following dental procedures A sore throat Tonsillitis and pharyngitis Ulcers caused by dyspepsia Conditions involving inflammation of the mouth and throat minor throat and mouth infections.